The following post is in remembrance of my friend and Young Life kid, Paul Stover.
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YL Club at Grafton 123 - Fall 2010 |
Five years ago, I was a frequent customer at The Grafton 123 - a homey coffee shop in Grafton, WV. It became my living room and my home base during my time in Grafton. I started leading Young Life in Grafton in the late winter of 2008. For that first year, I kept thinking "I just wish there was a coffee shop here". I honestly was praying for a place to open up, but at the same time thinking that will never happen in this small town. Well goodness gracious, one day I was driving on Route 119 home from the high school and I passed a sign that caught my attention on the side of a brick wall. It said "The Grafton 123" and I wondered what it could be. Someone later told me that it was going to be a coffee shop, and I cannot explain to you how excited I was to have that prayer answered. I sometimes think the Grafton 123 was opened just for me as an answer to my prayers. However, at the time I didn't know what an impact it would have on my life or the Young Life in Grafton WV.
As a frequent visitor, I met the owner Mary Kay Stover. I found out she had a son at GHS, a daughter at the middle school, and a son at the elementary school. This was exciting because I knew Young Life could impact their family. My Young Life team | The Fab 4 or Dream Team - as we so humbly refer to ourselves ;-) | decided to ask if we could start having campaigners at the Grafton 123. We started meeting weekly with high school students and later started having Young Life club at the shop too. It even was the location for our Grafton YL Music Video. It was a perfect and central place for Young Life!
Making the Grafton 123 my living room - I quickly met the Stover kids. Paul, Morgan, and Gabe would frequently hang around the store after school to help out. I would strike up conversations with them... convinced that Paul thought I was very odd for always being around. I was a WVU student choosing to sit in a coffee shop and go to high school events in Grafton, WV... WHY?! He would see me around school and the coffee shop and say hi because he was a nice guy. Once we started having Young Life club at the 123 we would invite Paul to stick around. He would politely decline saying he had to take his siblings home, go work on homework, etc. Then, we started to notice that he would stick around a little closer to starting time. He would help us move all the tables, set up the projector, prepare for skits, and then ditch out the door before everyone started to arrive. As the dream team spent time with him, we would often say to each other - I cannot wait until the day Paul Stover meets Jesus. He is a servant, he is kind, he is a hard worker, he loves people well, he doesn't know a stranger, and once he is following Jesus he will be a powerful force for the Gospel.
About halfway through his senior year, Paul started staying at Young Life club with both Morgan and Gabe too. Paul was such a good brother to his siblings. You could tell by the way that he talked about them and treated them that he loved them so much. It was a gift that they could be at Young Life and figure it out with him too. As the semester went on, Paul became good friends with us! We loved having him there to help and invite his friends. Once Paul started coming (along with a few other seniors) more people started to check out Young Life from GHS. He started leading people then - his siblings and his friends to Jesus.
I remember we would celebrate him being there and the opportunities my friends and co-leaders Alex and Derek had to hang out with him. Paul was working on weekends in the winter at Wisp, so he would crash with the guys in Morgantown because it was closer than Grafton. I remember being so excited when the guys had a "guys night" in Morgantown the same night as our "girls night". They came over and crashed our party! :) I think we all had the confidence and hope that with time, Paul would meet Jesus and his life would forever be changed.
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Early 2011 |
At our last Young Life club of the year, we reached 50+ students and I think it had to do with the influence Paul and his other senior friends had on the school. We celebrated this victory by shaving Derek's head. Paul had the honor to help shave part of it. During the summer, the GHS team took some kids to Saranac Village for YL Camp. Paul went to camp, heard the Gospel, understood it, and started following Jesus. He didn't just start walking -- he started running after Jesus. It was amazing to watch from afar.
As he began his journey at WVU - he continued following Jesus and leading others to Him. I remember being at the YL Oglebay Retreat in January 2012 and seeing a few new faces in the room because of Paul. I also remember my friend saying that Paul stood for a long time writing names of his friends who he was praying for to meet Jesus on the prayer list hanging in the cabin. He truly believed that each of his friends needed Jesus and would invest in them and pray for them hoping their lives would change the way his had. He went on to lead at University High School and this year became the team leader.
I saw Paul just a few weeks ago at the WVU Young Life College country night. In my heart I was celebrating in many ways the Lord has used the ministry at Grafton HS to grow His kingdom. I am thankful to see fruit, because the Lord doesn't always grant us that gift. There were new freshman in the room and seasoned seniors who are leading in a variety of ways. It was so encouraging to see them - my JOY and my CROWN! I got the chance to sit by Paul and talk about life over dinner. It was a joy and a pleasure. I am thankful I had that time with him in August.
After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you!
1 Thessalonians 2:19
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stay true to the Lord. I love you and long to see you, dear friends, for you are my joy and the crown I receive for my work.
Philippians 4:1
One thing I loved about Paul: Since I moved to Summersville after his senior year of HS, it was always unexpected when I would show up at WVU events. Every time I would see Paul, he would freeze and just smile at me. He would then run over and give me a big hug. I know that he made so many people feel special and appreciated. I always told Paul how proud I was of him. We would joke about how he would ditch us for so long at the 123 but how excited we were once he decided to not only come to YL but most importantly follow Jesus.
Goodness, I am so thankful for his friendship & his passion for Jesus. He loved well. I am so thankful that one day when I stand before Jesus our Lord, we will be standing there together.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of a friend, brother, follower-of-Jesus. I am sad for the many who will miss him deeply daily. I am sad because of the earthly life he did not get to live and the potential that I know he had. It's hard to comprehend and understand. The verse I have been looking to as I mourn and think about my friend is this:
Oh how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?
Romans 11:33-34
Romans 11:33-34
I trust that my God is bigger and will bring redemption to this sad tragedy. I trust that many will come to know and love Jesus because of the love Paul had for Jesus and for them. I trust that his legacy will live on because he lived each day to the full and followed Jesus passionately with his whole heart. I will miss you Paul, but I am thankful you are now with Jesus living life to the full.
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Paul & I after Young Life club - May 2011 |
This is the hope I have, Paul had, and I believe Paul hopes you have:
If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
John 10:10