Friday, March 13, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Plan

This is my first entry in the Five Minute Friday challenge.  Find out more about it at

Plan.  We all love to plan. Some like to plan more than others I think.  I would consider myself an average planner.  I don't like to have every minute planned out - especially not when it is leisure time.  I do notice that when I don't have a general plan, I start to wonder what I am doing with my life.  Planning has a lot to do with control.  Planning often makes us feel like we are in control - even when we aren't.  For example, I noticed how winter was driving me crazy because it was messing with my plans.  Every day we would have to consult the weather and see if it changed plans.  Right now I am an afternoon nanny to two elementary school girls.  Snow days would change my day to a full work day.  It would change my to-do list, my meals, my schedule.  Sometimes it's nice to have a change of plans, but sometimes it would drive me crazy.  I noticed myself saying, I can't wait until winter is over so I can maintain control of my plans.  However, its actually not true.  Yes, we can plan and try our hardest to stick to plans, but there are always natural changes.  I read Ann Vonskamp's prayer for today - some of you may know of her 703 prayer plan for Lent this year.  I haven't been following it super close, but today's prayer/tweet was fitting. 

"Today I will thank God for every interruption of my list - as I'll see it as a manifestation of my Lord." 

"By Grace, today I will fast from idolizing my agenda instead of interrupting my agenda because I love Your ways more than mine." 

I think that is an interesting perspective on the word plan.  It's okay to have a plan, but let's not let "our plans" get in the way of His plans.  Sometimes we are just too darn busy for our own good.  


Carolyn E Berlepsch

P.S. That new years resolution to blog more - even with a theme... hasn't really been happening.  I'm going to keep working on it. Maybe I need a better PLAN :)